Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 27 - Special Occasion Reward Day

Today was Carly's communion and we were also planning to go to the Trump Country Club for a brunch celebration afterward.  As per my rules, I traded in my week 3 reward for this special occasion reward and put the challenge on hold this afternoon.  I indulged my sweet tooth and caught up on some much missed greens and veggies.  All in all I did a pretty good job at not going over the top crazy - I think.

I forgot to take photos but I'll try to give a quick list of my food choices: 
Caesar salad, grilled chicken pieces, couple slices of bacon, bloody Mary, piece of pound cake, asparagus, lox, eggs Benedict, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, honey dew melon, slice of ham, taste of fillet Mignon, grilled zucchini, roasted red peppers, capers, chocolate milk, 2 Oreos, cheese cake, tiramisu, sliver of chocolate cake, mini eclair, water - that's all I can remember.  Is that overboard?  I felt full afterward but I didn't really feel like I gorged myself.  On the ride home I was VERY sleepy and felt quite full indeed.

We'll see how I feel in the morning.  That will be the true test to see if I pay the price of being a glutton I suppose.  Will power!  It was sooooo easy to just eat whatever I wanted without controlling portions or caring about calories or excess or fat, etc.  But alas, it's back to the challenge tomorrow.  And then 2 weeks to go. . .

I was wondering how I would ever work this quote into my blog but after reading it again it seems appropriate to this entry in a metaphorical way.
"A storm starts when the first drop starts dropping but when the first drops stop dropping the storm starts stopping."

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