Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 21 DP - Let the hunt begin

Happy Mother's Day.
I took my boat out at 5:30 am this morning to get in a couple hours of fishing before my 10:00 softball game.  Guess what?  I suck at fishing.  Why do I even bother?  I drove around like an idiot for about 30 miles.  I went all the way to Staten Island and back.  Oh and I saw plenty of other boats and people catching all kinds of fish!  The fish are there - I just don't have a clue how to catch them.  And furthermore, I get VERY frustrated, VERY easily now.  My fuse is so short it's ridiculous.  One thing goes wrong out there and I'm ready to break my fishing poles in half.  I'm a mess - and I need some help.
I finally found some baitfish today.  I did wind up catching 2 bunker for bait but nothing else.  For those who don't know, bunker are very oily baitfish and can not be eaten by people.  The stripers and bluefish usually like them though.  And the crabs do too - I should really 'test' to see if any crabs will be cooperative this early.  I doubt it but you never know.

I made it back for my softball game.  Played well.  Still have a significant amount of energy for that.  Did the radio show - on time finally!  It was a tough show.  I tried to fill 30 minutes but I really haven't had much in the way of successful food stories.  My apologies for rambling on about the same stuff over and over.
Well - it's time to brush the dust off my speargun and go jump in the ocean.  Hopefully I'll have a continuation report later today. . .

continuation. . .
SUCCESS!!! Finally, on Day 21 I have some success - 2 big striped bass.  I am dead tired.  Full report to follow tomorrow.

"The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."

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